Explore our collection of bags, handbags, sling bags, Shoulder bags and many more.
Brand Ruby comes under the company Royal Leather Works. And RLW believes in originality and 100% quality. Ruby brand products are manufactured under strict surveillance.
We deliver the product on the given time or date because we have a large factory and good amount of workers, That's why many big brand are approaching us to make there products.
Our product is cheaper because we own manufacture, and we sell those products at manufacturing price. Many retailers and wholesalers are willing to buy our product because of our pricing.
My company Royal Leather Works, Manufacturing bags since 2002, We started manufacturing Handbags in Leather, After 2012 suddenly got down the demand for leather goods, then we started making Rexine and PU Leather.
After the Covid-19 pandemic, we stopped exporting to foreign countries, We are planning to start again, Once we start Exporting our product we will let you know. Till then keep following us on our Social Media for updates.
Brand Ruby comes under the company Royal Leather Works. And RLW believes in originality and 100% quality. Ruby brand products are manufactured under strict surveillance.
The reason is to produce versatile, trendy and durable products for our buyers. And Brand Heboo also comes under the Royal Leather Works.
The Ruby isn’t only a premium brand, but it also carries all the superb rates that can adore buyers. If you really looking for outstanding products, Ruby is the best option for you to give a glance and buy. Once, you’ll start using these products you won’t go for any other product as per its super-efficient qualities.
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With an infrastructure of international standards, this company manufactures the best quality bags. This company is considered as the best bag manufacturer in India.
Check the reviews posted by our customers/clients on our Google Maps listing.
Nice hand bags
I gave order of 80 bags and told them that I want urgently coz of my exhibition, they give me before the time. Good 😍